Turkmenistan Prepares to Host ITTC-2024

Turkmenistan will host the III International Conference and Exhibition on Transport and Transit Corridors (ITTC-2024) on November 26-27, 2024, in Ashgabat, official media of Turkmenistan reported Saturday.

Organized in partnership with Belli E.S., the event comes amid rapid development in global logistics.

Scheduled to coincide with World Sustainable Transport Day, the conference will bring together international leaders and investors to discuss eco-friendly transportation practices and opportunities for digital transformation in the region.

The ITTC-2024 program will cover a wide range of topics, including the role of women in the transport sector, the implementation of sustainable practices, and the digitization of logistics. Organizers will emphasize support for landlocked Central Asian countries in expanding their access to global markets.

The previous International Conference and Exhibition on International Transport and Transit Corridors: Interconnection and Development (ITTC 2023) took place from May 3-5 of last year.

Duşuşykda ikitaraplaýyn hyzmatdaşlygyň häzirki ýagdaýy we geljekdäki perspektiwalary barada ara alnyp maslahatlaşyldy. Türkmenbaşy portunyň iki ýurduň arasyndaky deňiz pudagynyň tutýan ornunyň ähmiýeti we Kaspi halkara ulag geçelgeleriniň ösüşiniň ähmiýeti barada bellenip geçildi.

Bulardan başga-da, saparyň dowamynda Gismat Gozalow Balkan welaýatynda ýaşaýan Azerbaýjan raýatlary we watandaşlary bilen duşuşdy. Duşuşykda Ilçi Azerbaýjan döwletiniň daşary ýurtlarda ýaşaýan raýatlaryna berýän ähmiýeti we aladasy barada söhbet etdi, Azerbaýjan watandaşlarynyň tekliplerini, haýyşlaryny diňledi we özara pikir alyşdy.

12 November, 2024 y.

Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Avenue 7,
Ashgabat 744005, Turkmenistan

+993 12 94 06 29, +993 12 94 06 39




Shagadam street, Turkmenbashi city, house 8 “A”, 745000, Turkmenistan

+993 243 60793



Türkmenbaşy International sea port

Shagadam street, Turkmenbashi city, house 8 “A”, 745000, Turkmenistan

+993(243) 4-91-92 Faks: +993(243) 4-95-24

tisp.marketing@port.com.tm, tisp.cad@online.tm


“Merchant Sea Fleet” is a closed joint-stock company

Bahry-Hazar 1, Turkmenbashi city, Balkan region, 745000, Turkmenistan

+993 243 50261



JSC “Shipbuilding and ship repair plant “Balkan”

Turkmenistan, Balkan region, Turkmenbashi city 745000, Shagadam street, building 8

Fax: +993 243 49542

Phone: +993 243 49441

E-mail: marketinginfo@balkanshipyard.com.tm

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