Kazakhstan is actively developing new routes for cargo transportation to Europe via the territory of Turkmenistan

Kazakhstan is developing alternative transportation routes to Europe, through Turkmenistan, Iran, and Turkey. This was reported by the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the ministry, work is currently underway to develop an alternative route that will pass through the territories of Turkmenistan, Iran, and Turkey with an exit to European countries.

In order to simplify transportation, the ministry is working on the introduction of a permit-free system for road transport with Turkmenistan.

On October 10, 2024, a protocol was signed on amendments to the intergovernmental agreement on international road transport between Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The process of ratifying the protocol is currently underway.

In addition, the introduction of a visa-free regime for drivers between Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan is being considered.

According to the ministry, with Iran and Turkey, an exchange of permits for road transport is carried out annually in sufficient volumes, while drivers are exempt from visa requirements”.

29 January, 2025 y.

Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

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Türkmenbaşy International sea port

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tisp.marketing@port.com.tm, tisp.cad@online.tm


“Merchant Sea Fleet” is a closed joint-stock company

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